Our thinking

Using animation in your comms opens the door to a whole world of potential. Whether you want to bring your benefit options to life for your employees or communicate a company change in a succinct, memorable way, animation can make all the difference to your audience.

So, if you’ve been thinking about using animation in your next project but want to learn more - here are a few reasons why you should consider adding it to your comms approach.

Create a lasting impression

Think of some of the ads that have really stuck with you. It’s likely that at least one of these will have included some aspect of animation.

Animation is highly memorable, and even subtle animations in digital content can make a big impact. While print media still has its place, people are far more likely to remember an animated video or an interactive document, especially if it tells a story that forms an emotional connection with the viewer. Remember - if it moves it moves.

Make complex messages simple

We're all about making the complex simple. Animation gives us the freedom to get creative with your story and distil your main messages into easily digestible content.

For example, great storytelling with well-executed animation can clearly outline pension benefits or illustrate your company’s change programme, cutting through the noise while maintaining the essence of what you’re trying to communicate.

Plus, it’s easy to understand and accessible, so when it’s deployed as part of a considered comms plan it can be far more effective at getting your point across than text alone.

Evergreen appeal

Worried about updating animations if your company messaging changes? A lot of animated work is more malleable than you would expect. As animated videos often incorporate written elements, these can be tailored to reflect any changes.

Digital content with animated elements can still be edited as well, meaning that animation can usually achieve evergreen appeal should you want to tweak concepts or adjust messaging in the future.

Easily shared for maximum exposure

With social media now being such a core part of how people access information, making content shareable is a priority. You can easily share animated videos across all social media platforms, and because this sort of content stands out, it helps people engage with the message better, too!

Animation is fun!

Even when we’re trying to convey serious information, it’s still good to have a bit of fun. Engagement is fuelled by interest, and when you can make the information colourful and eye-catching, this is when people begin to pay attention.

Explore the possibilities

There’s no right or wrong way to use animation, which is why it’s good to experiment. The right animated content will help any message stand out from the crowd, so be bold, think freely and let your creativity shine!

Get in touch with us today if you’d like to find out more about how we use animation.

Charlie Edwards
Creative Copywriter
Creative Director and Team Lead
Motion Designer