Our work

Anglo American engaged us to build a high performance culture supporting an ambitious strategy and vision to ‘Be the most valued mining company in the world’. Our challenge was shifting the focus from individual to team performance on a global scale.

What we did

It was imperative to spend time up front really getting to know the audience and create a plan that used this insight to personalise communications to them. Through this, we brought an ‘outsiders’ perspective. We were able to ask the difficult questions; connect the dots; and didn’t assume anything.

We took a multi-media and multi-channel approach with the plan to ensure we were able to reach both digital and non-digital audiences i.e. those working in offices and those off-site /in the field, whatever their role.

We identified multiple communication touch-points; a big focus was put on educating and equipping HR, Leaders & Managers around the new approach so they could communicate and implement effectively. The communications aimed to build understanding, acceptance and commitment.

By encouraging conversation with employees, respecting their time, feelings and contributions, we became the extension of the client team. We were collaborative, responsive and agile – easily flexing our support up/down throughout the project lifecycle.

We redefined, launched, and rolled out a new performance management and rewards programme, leaning heavily on communications to generate understanding, foster commitment and prompt action.

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The results

We helped establish a meaningful shift in company culture, with employees around the world more focused on the role of the success of the team, not just their individual performance.

Local HR teams and managers were empowered; they had better understanding and were better equipped to perform their roles within the new performance management approach.


Hi! I'm Tricia, a change communications expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
