Our work

Our Engagement experts support Samsung each year by producing financial wellbeing campaign materials for 'Money Month' in October. In 2020, after a year of significant change and uncertainty for Samsung people, they wanted to create a holistic wellbeing campaign tied in with an open enrolment window instead of the usual financial focus.

What we did

We know benefits are there to support employees through the many stages in their lives and the impact of Covid-19 was no different. Leaning into the already established four-week campaign approach, we created a Wellbeing Window to replace Money Month.

Each week had a key focus and call to action – the first week being a teaser, with the following three weeks focused on three areas of wellbeing (physical, mental and financial).

  • Week 1 focus – highlighting your needs
  • Week 2 focus – highlighting your health
  • Week 3 focus – highlighting your mental health
  • Week 4 focus – highlighting your finances

The benefits brand name, Highlights, helped to establish the campaign theme as the deliverables ‘highlighted’ particular benefits, initiatives and steps for change.

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Darwin site Seeded postcard Benefit snapshot Campaign poster Infographic poster






The results

This campaign empowered employees to make a change for the better by highlighting how small changes can have a big impact. Through collateral and messaging, it gave the support employees needed to deal with change and make informed decisions about their benefits and wellbeing to adjust to their new ways of living.

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Hi! I'm Kirstie, an employee engagement expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
