Our work

Babcock wanted to engage all current and former employees who had Defined Benefit savings. The challenge was to provide these employees with a structured toolkit to educate them on the options available under Pensions Freedoms.

What we did

The “One day” campaign and narrative was created as a platform to develop a full communication toolkit, which would help educate Babcock's members on the opportunities available as a result of Pensions Freedoms.

The online toolkit covered a number of different areas:

  • E-learning to support planning for retirement
  • Access to final advice
  • Educational content
  • A dashboard to show the transfer value for those over 55;
  • How to take their money at retirement

We also created printed, face-to-face communication support and personalised email campaigns to provide a multi-channel, individual approach.

It was critical to build in a mechanism to obtain data from the outset, so we could assess the success of the toolkit in engaging members with their pension benefits.

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One Day Portal Personalised video Personalised email nudges Launch posters One Day experience overview video Launch video







The results

The online toolkit launched in 2017 along with a range of financial education workshops provided by JELF. The workshops received extremely positive feedback and we tracked high levels of engagement with the targeted campaigns, proving that stand out communications are vital.

Employees understood the options available to them as well as their implications. Mercer continues to send out personalised nudges to categories of members that helps to keep the momentum going, using the MI data to guide the communication themes for the future.

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Hi! I'm Jim, a digital solutions expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
