Our work

Arconic wanted to harmonise their pension provision across the UK business with an offer of enhanced DC scale plus transitional contributions for DB members. Around 320 DB employees and 650 DC employees were affected by the proposed changes. Unions were heavily involved and an employee consultative forum (ECF) was set up for the consultation.

What we did

The Impact team created all communication materials for the consultation, including:

  • HR briefing guide
  • ECF election materials
  • Information pack with generic member examples
  • Presentation slides
  • FAQ updates
  • Review of press releases

We also provided support with managing the email inbox, responding to member queries and any Union or ECF feedback.

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Information Booklet Consultation guide with generic examples Reminder Postcard




The results

After a challenging consultation process, Arconic’s proposals were accepted and implemented – two of their UK pension schemes were successfully closed with a few additional enhancements for affected members.


Hi! I'm Sarah, a member experience expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
