Our work

NCB Capital’s main client, Saudi Aramco, enlisted the help of the Impact team to tackle the various challenges around engaging employees with their retirement benefits. Our aim was to increase membership participation and contributions by helping employees to understand the importance of saving and investment, as well as reducing the number of withdrawals from individual accounts.

What we did

Understanding the culture was vital to ensuring we could deliver creative and effective solutions.

We created a campaign based on falconry (a bird of great significance within Saudi Arabian culture) as a visual metaphor to reinforce the financial messages being conveyed. The key themes for this campaign included sustainable contributions, retirement security, better retirement outcomes as well as understanding the value of employer contributions.

Several communication channels were used to make it easier for employees to find the information they needed as well as reducing the time lag between decision making and being able to act. These included emails (both in English and Arabic), a website to manage queries, digital postcards, infographics, newsletters and personalised videos.

By analysing how employees interacted with the content in each email campaign, we were able to adapt subsequent emails to increase engagement.

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Idikhar website Campaign emails Campaign emails Comic strip for investment guide Personalised video






The results

The campaign had a significant impact on employees’ understanding, awareness and actions. Email campaigns received over 80% open rates with up to 38% of recipients clicking to take action.

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Hi! I'm Sarah, a member experience expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
