Our work

The client was launching a new Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) in three stages; firstly, to management, then those with "High Potential and Critical Skills", then to the "Customer Delight" group – everyone else in the organisation.

The three awards/grants worked quite differently, so the content needed to explain how each worked and be relevant and meaningful to the audiences.

What we did

Considering the LTIP mechanics and distinct audiences, the Impact Team designed a package of comms material for use in all stages of the planned rollout. We also put forward a programme of carefully planned engagement activity covering launch emails, guides to support employees and managers, grant flyers, nudge emails and a mobile-friendly microsite.

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Website Personalised flyers Nudge email Manager booklets Stakeholder talking points

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The results

The initial launch was a resounding success, with extremely positive feedback. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, the CEO managed to do a personal video from home!

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Hi! I'm Jim, a digital solutions expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
