Our work

The client needed to communicate a pension change where multiple schemes were being merged into one scheme and with it, a brand new name – the DXC Pension Plan. While it was a merger of many different schemes, the underlying benefits of the respective schemes were not going to change. It was a unique challenge to define the different communication strategies for the members of all participating schemes.

What we did

Not only did members need to be made aware of the merger and what it meant to them at an individual level, but we also needed to reassure them that the benefits already earned in the Scheme, and the opportunity to earn more, would remain unchanged.

Working closely with the client, we created a full suite of communications to support the scheme merger. This covered the development of a website that hosted an array of materials relating to the merger, including announcements, FAQs, links to existing scheme websites, detailed information around timescales of the merger and consultation, plus who to contact if members needed additional details not covered on the site.

The communication strategy also included print media and campaign-based emails, both in the run-up to, during, and after the merger. We took this approach to help drive engagement and encourage members to explore the website and submit their questions.

By developing a plan that was flexible and most importantly, scalable, we were able to measure the impact of the varied communications and continually ensure that all members understood what was happening and why.

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The results

The first stage of the project was a complete success with many members interacting with the print and digital communication. In digital engagement, the initial announcement email campaign had an open rate of 38% with a click-through of 18%. There have also been over 11,000 visitors to the site with more than 72,500 pages viewed.

It doesn’t stop there. The next stage is to broaden the website so that it becomes a front door for all pension scheme members – bringing the most informative and educational content into one place to simplify the user experience for all members.


Hi! I'm Jim, a digital solutions expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
