Our work

LGT Vestra experienced multiple HR system changes simultaneously across the business, including a transition in benefit technology to Darwin. A benefits brand was required to help ease the transition for employees through a strong visual experience. The external corporate identity reflects the richness and importance of the private art collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein. Our challenge was creating a benefits brand that complemented this.

What we did

Our Engagement team designed a benefit brand that is inclusive, unexpected, memorable and promotes employee wellbeing.

Photography is often thought of the complete opposite to painting, so we took inspiration from classic analogue photography that would be in contrast to the corporate identity, but still speak of tradition and heritage in harmony with the Princely Collections and company values.

Utilising the secondary colour palette of pastel tones and by creating a library of bespoke collages that combine classic vintage or vintage inspired photography, the new brand illustrated emotional concepts in an unexpected manner.

The library of images was used to create site assets for both benefit platforms (pre and post transition), a poster campaign, benefits snapshot and seeded postcards.

We build on the brand every year, adding to the image library and extending the available communications material scope.

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Benpal Site Darwin Site Launch Posters Launch Posters Seeded Postcard Digital Benefit Summary Screensaver

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The results

Employees provided positive feedback on the benefits brand, commenting that it is visually intriguing, provides topical conversations and clearly is a recognisable brand. The Darwin launch attracted a 93% engagement rate, around 20% more than the average for a company of this type and size.

There was an 11% increase in benefit selections on the Darwin platform compared to the previous platform, further highlighting increased engagement with the brand and deliverables.

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Hi! I'm Ilze, a brand design expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
