Our work

EDF Energy needed support to introduce pension changes to over 13,000 employees.

What we did

Following a comprehensive programme of negotiation with the Unions and a consultation exercise, all members were targeted with key information concerning the proposed changes and the options available to them.

We worked closely with EDF Energy to ensure that all employees received personal packs explaining the proposed changes, with tailored information about the plans and the choices available.

We created an online modelling tool to support the personalised illustrations, allowing members to play around with different assumptions and scenarios to fully understand the impact of the proposed changes.

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Pension Change Consultation Guide Pension change microsite and modeller Pension change microsite and modeller Personalised Illustrations





The results

The project was a major success and many employees read the information provided and offered feedback to EDF Energy.

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Hi! I'm Sarah, a member experience expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
