Our work

As one of the biggest multinational corporations in the world, Nestlé recognised it needed to do more to keep pace with fast-changing global trends, while staying in tune with local developments. A one-size-fits-all approach no longer worked. Their challenge was creating the right ‘recruitment deal’ for this environment, building on drivers for attraction and retention as well as for sustainable engagement.

What we did

Keeping the key points below in mind, we developed a global, online Total Rewards toolkit to support Nestlé’s mission to embed Total Rewards in its local market Compensation & Benefits (C&B) teams.

  • Companies who do not regularly review their Total Rewards design around local understanding are spending with limited benefit.
  • Supporting key managers through the change, and equipping them properly with the right tools, creates buy-in to consistent practices.
  • A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Make information relevant for the audience.
  • Interactivity is important – internal stakeholders are starting to demand a ‘consumer-grade’ experience.
  • Using a digital approach allows for global reach, while creating opportunities to personalise data.

The toolkit provided a step-by-step approach to enable a complete Total Rewards review for its C&B colleagues, covering all aspects from building a business case through to developing and delivering an employee communication strategy. It incorporated powerful videos from senior leadership, explaining the critical need for Total Rewards reviews.

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Employee Website Manager Toolkit

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The results

Through significant change to its Total Rewards and Compensation & Benefits operations, Nestlé made an improvement in Group alignment in its approach to C&B, where its motto is to think globally but act locally. 80% of the markets in which they operate are now following this new approach to reviewing and maintaining the Total Rewards they offer to employees.

We helped Nestlé to establish a systematic way to work through an online toolkit for global markets to quantifiably measure the performance of their Total Rewards and ‘next steps’ strategies.


Hi! I'm Jim, a digital solutions expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
