Our work

The client had their annual benefit selection window approaching and wanted to motivate employees to find out more about their available options and better engage with their benefits platform – MyChoices.

They wanted to promote all of the benefits on offer and ensure that employees felt excited and valued, while also being sensitive to ongoing challenges that individuals may be facing in light of the cost-of-living crisis.

What we did

In a project like this it was important to factor in past data to see how to improve engagement across the board. We took a deep dive into the client’s 2021 Benefits Engagement Report and identified that it would be best to split communications into two groups, targeting those who worked in-office and those who were mostly on-the-road.

This involved the creation of a suite of communications materials crafted to appeal specifically to these two different audiences, as well as assets that would help the client empower all employees to make the decisions that would benefit them most.

To generate interest, we gave the MyChoices platform a brand refresh and updated the welcome video to follow suit. We also developed a smartphone-friendly microsite featuring personas to make it easy for every employee to access the information and see which perks were most suitable for them.

Supporting this messaging, we developed printed assets such as targeted posters and a concertina. These helped guarantee that every employee was exposed to the message, and, importantly, that the message would stick!

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Microsite Brand refresh Welcome video Posters





The results

The client was very pleased with the tools we developed, especially those geared towards the on-the-road audience. These solutions helped the client to create a foundation from which they can continue to support their diverse employee base in the future, opening the door to making sure that both online and offline colleagues are informed and engaged with their benefits.


Hi! I'm Kirstie, an employee engagement expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
