Our work

Bupa’s pension arrangements were complex. With seven DC plans, 22 different contribution structures and a DB plan, Bupa wanted to simplify their arrangements with the introduction of a new DC plan (Master Trust). Around 500 DB employees and 5,600 DC employees were affected by the proposed changes.

What we did

The initial proposal was to close the DB plan with no enhanced terms. The Impact team created a suite of communication materials to help members understand the proposed changes. Due to the complicated nature of the existing pension arrangements, communications were targeted to ensure that relevant information was provided to help guide members through the process.

Members received information packs with generic member examples and personal statements were issued to DB members. We also supported the client with preparing FAQs throughout the consultation period.

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Letter Proposal Guide Proposal generic examples




The results

The proposals were quickly and successfully implemented with only minor enhancements for affected members. The client commented that the Impact team demonstrated great resilience and patience in managing what was a very complex communication landscape to different cohorts of employees.


Hi! I'm Sarah, a member experience expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
