Our work

The Impact team was engaged to educate around 150,000 pension scheme members, primarily about changes to their scheme. The main aims were to encourage members to register on a new online portal and drive take-up of a new 1% employer DC matching contribution. Our experts were also tasked with improving the quality of support provided to members as they joined the pension scheme and as they approached retirement.

What we did

We curated a comprehensive communication plan across multiple channels, including:

  • Emails
  • Interactive newsletters
  • Guides
  • Presentations
  • Animated videos

This targeted approach included five versions of the member newsletters, tailored for different member segments to deliver relevant information to them. A number of animations were created, offering bite size information in a visually engaging way to members. One animation directed members to go online and take up the matching contribution, while others covered the investment options and explained some important considerations in the lead up to retirement.

We conducted a thorough audit of the existing support and materials provided to members at different stages in their lives and updated them to provide clearer, structured information to help them understand their benefits and what actions they needed to take.

New materials targeted at members new to USS and those close to retirement were created to offer better support.

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Foldout Wallet Card Segmented Newsletters Campaign website carousel Campaign Poster Emails

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The results

The communication campaign had a significant impact on members’ understanding, awareness and actions. Member research conducted in two waves showed a significant increase in engagement with the materials in the second wave, following the first phase of the communication plan. The Impact team was also a finalist at the Employee Benefits Awards for this project.

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Hi! I'm Sarah, a member experience expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
