Our work

Siemens believed that their employees not only didn’t understand their benefits, but also that they weren’t aware of their full value. They wanted to make more of their Total Reward Statement in the Darwin platform so that employees were informed, engaged and excited to make the most of their benefits moving forward.

The UK would be used as a test case to implement these changes, with the end goal of adopting the new approach in other countries if it had the positive impact the client was looking for.

What we did

We believe the key to building benefits awareness is a constant drumbeat of communications. In this case we took a two-phase approach to identify areas that needed improvement and implement changes to help overcome these barriers for employees.

The first phase involved a thorough review of the My Benefits UK site, as well as a workshop where we discussed best practice use of Darwin. Following this, we used ideas from this stage and input from Siemens to create phase two.

A core part of this phase was development of a digital toolkit for managers. This contained all of the necessary benefit information in a comprehensive format so that managers had everything they needed to engage with their teams and get them excited about their benefits. We also supplemented this by updating the campaigns and notifications sent out of Darwin, tailoring the tone of voice and branding to create a strong, cohesive message.

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Darwin Total Reward Statement Digital Toolkit for Managers Email campaigns




The results

Since launch, the manager’s toolkit has had 321 unique visitors, which means we’ve potentially helped hundreds of managers and their teams to better engage with their rewards. Since the previous window, the Darwin platform also received 2,650 unique visitors. Additionally, we added a trackable link to the emails that are sent out from the Darwin platform. There were 9,991 total scans from the email link and 8,385 click throughs, again indicating increased awareness, engagement and excitement for the project!


Hi! I'm Kirstie, an employee engagement expert. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
