Our work

The day Haleon demerged from GSK, they wanted to make a bold statement. The goal was to reflect their purpose (to deliver better everyday health with humanity) in their commitment to their people, not just customers, consumers and the communities they serve.

That’s why they introduced a gold standard global parental leave policy. A true marker of Haleon’s intent and one of the most progressive among multinational companies, the policy gives all employees 26 weeks of fully paid leave (as a minimum) once they become a parent.

Available to everyone regardless of gender, age, sexuality, and geographic location, the policy is inclusive of all parenting pathways, so no matter how someone becomes a parent, they can still take the full period of leave.

What we did

We decided that the best way to promote the policy is to tell a compelling story about the journey to parenthood. Using diverse imagery, plain language and engaging music we created an animation designed to elicit a deep emotional response.

By clearly setting out the different pathways to parenthood and incorporating language that encourages all employees to think about their own life journey, the video felt personal to the viewer while maintaining broad appeal. At the same time, we aimed to foster pride in non-parents for Haleon’s commitment to their employees.

The animation was the highlight in a multi-tactic approach that included developing content for the intranet and talking points for leader’s fireside chats during Hello Haleon week (the first week following the demerger). Because positioning Haleon as an employer of choice was also a goal, we recommended creating a shorter version of the animation for the company’s social media platforms (handled internally). It launched on LinkedIn and Instagram in July 2023.

This piece of work was part of a bigger project to introduce Haleon’s new total reward strategy to employees.

The results

The client loved the animation and commented that it captured the emotion that they wanted to communicate to their employees.

"Thank you so much for your never-ending support to bring this video production to conclusion. The video fills me with joy and pride every time I watch it. We will begin our communications plan and you will see it on a social platform near you!"

Kim Pecina – Head of Global Benefits, Haleon

Hi! I'm Tricia, Head of Employee Change Communication. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch.
Hi! I’m Claudia, a Motion Designer. If you want to find out more about this piece of work, please get in touch